Earth Defenders
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Date: Tue Oct 01, 12:00 AM EST - Thu Oct 31, 11:59 PM EST
  • Community Service,
  • Healthy Living,
  • Outdoor
  • Juniors,
  • Daisies,
  • Seniors,
  • Cadettes,
  • Ambassadors,
  • Brownies

Calling all Earth Defenders-our planet needs your help! We are tasking you with the job of making the world a better-and greener-place this October during our council-wide community service project. Whether you've been an Earth Defender before or this is your first year, you can join in to save our planet!


What you do is up to you, just be sure that your service project is focused on helping our environment. Decide as a troop (or on your own) what it is you care about most and then get to work! Do your own research to figure out how to make the biggest impact in your community. The possibilities are endless!


As an Earth Defender, you will need to keep track of your efforts and submit a report (as a troop or as an individual) with a photo of your hard work at the end of your project to earn a fun patch!


Program Fee Includes:

  • Fun Patch


  • Registration will close on November 6, 2024.

General Location:  

  • This program is done within your troop.

Adult Supervision:

  • This is NOT a drop off event! Girls must be supervised by a troop leader or registered adult volunteers.
  • Tagalongs are NOT permitted for this event.


  • If you or one of your Girl Scouts would like to request accessibility modifications for this program, please use the following link to submit a request form. Submit an Accessibility Request Form

Program Confirmation:

  • Once you have registered you can find the program information by logging into your MYGS account, going to My Events and selecting the event. There you will be able to find the exact location. A confirmation email will be sent out prior to the scheduled program with all the necessary information. If you register after this time, you will need to contact customer care for information.

Financial Aid:

  • Financial Assistance is available to Girl Scouts that have a current membership with GSSEF.
  • Each Girl Scout is allotted a total of $30 for each membership year (October 1 - September 30)
  • Requesting Financial Aid does not guarantee registration for a program.

Program Funding:

  • Our programs are made possible with funding from grants. To help justify this funding, we have been asked to have participants complete a pre/post survey relating to this program. We thank you for your cooperation in helping to provide our Girl Scouts with amazing programs. 

Not a member? Join now and save! Become a member before registering for this event to take advantage of our member pricing, plus save on other GSSEF programs for the rest of the year.

  • A Girl Scout membership is $40 a year.
  • Adult membership is $25 a year.
  • Our membership year runs from October 1 to September 30

GSSEF Hours of Operation:

  • Monday - Thursday 8AM - 6PM
  • Friday - Closed


Questions? Contact Customer Care at