Council's Own Badges are unique to each Girl Scout Council and are a wonderful way for Girl Scouts to explore interests and activities beyond the national badges. Troops and individual Girl Scouts from any council can choose to enhance their Girl Scout experience by participating in these unique programs that allow them to discover, connect, and take action in different areas. Each program includes a variety of activities that bring fun, adventure, and hands-on learning—Council’s Own Badges give Girl Scouts more to explore!
Below is a list of all the Council's Own Badge programs offered by Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida. Check them out and start planning with your troop! To purchase these Council's Own Badges, go to one our Retail Store locations in Tamarac or Jupiter.
All Badges that are part of the national curriculum through GSUSA go on the front left of the Girl Scout vest. If they are Journey Badges, they go on the right front. Fun patches and Council Own Badges go on the back. We call Council’s Own a badge because there are requirements to earn it.
* Sunsetting, may still be completed while supplies last at the GSSEF Retail Stores